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The perceived "problem" is unusual and substantially without precedent.



There are multiple, significant stakeholders with conflicting values and priorities who are affected by the perceived problem or responses to the problem.


There are many apparent causes of the problem and they are inextricably tangled.


It is impossible to be sure when you have the correct or best solution; there is no "stopping rule".


The understanding of what the "problem" is changes when reviewed in the context of alternative proposed solutions.


Camillus, J.C.. 2016. Organizational Iidentity & the business environment: the strategy connection. International Journal of Business Environment.

Camillus, J.C. 2008. Strategy as a wicked problem. Harvard Business Review.

Courtney et al. 1997. Strategy under uncertainty. Harvard Business Review.

Wicked Strategies LLP 2019. Registered as a Limited Liability Partnership in England & Wales

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